How the hell does time creep by so slowly on a daily basis, yet accumulate into months so easily? I am shocked and apalled that my 27th birthday is a mere five days away and that, for the first time in years, I will be spending it as a single lady.
Yep. You heard me... previous "wonderful lady" and I dissolved into a mess of cattiness, anger, (sometimes) hatred, and are actually in a pretty good place now despite all that. What, you didn't know that lesbians' best friends are often their exes? Where have you been? For shame!
So this brings me to my birthday weekend -I am giving myself the greatest gift of all... a place of my own. After said "wonderful lady" and I split, I made another classic move and stayed with a girl that I was convinced would be my wife one day. Obviously that's not happenin'. Plus, I've been living right in town and miss being surrounded by the woods... my pup isn't much of a fan of being on a leash all the time either.
So, "wonderful lady" will be helping me move on Saturday, with a great big told-ya-so smirk on her face (oh, how she loves my failed attempt at recreating our past bliss!). Pup will run around the woods, hunter-orange vest blazing due to the trigger-happy nature of hunters in my area. And "wonderful lady" and I will have a glass of wine and try not to make out with each other.
Hopefully we won't try very hard... it is my birthday weekend, after all...
How It Feels To Be Free
15 hours ago